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[F 14] 

Office, Asst, Supt, Sub-dist. Johnston.
Smithfield N. C. Feb'y 7th 1867. 

Col. M. Cogswell.
Supt. Ctrl Dist. Bu R.F. & A.L.
Raleigh N. C.


I have the honor to report that in compliance with your direction I visited Mr Robert Hicks at his plantation four miles East of Mt. Olive on the W.W.R.R. On enquiry of Mr Hicks' freed-people I was informed that the children of Diana Clarkston were with Mr Hicks.

I then called upon Mr H., stated my business, asked for the children — the children were in the field at work (6½ o. clock a.m) Mr H. sent for them and they at once came to the house. Three fine looking colored boys, clad in good working cloths with good strong wellfitting shoes. In answer to my questions they answered- Diana Clarkston is our mother. Think she is living at or near Wilmington. That they are not with her because thier step-father

Transcription Notes:
Diana Clarkston, not Diana Charleston -Jlch I think it's W.W.R.R. for Wilmington and Weldon Railroad -- right time period and location(?): -- Beth