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[[dim, oval, embossed seal with image of building]]

Bureau of R F and A L
Office Asst Supt Sub. Dist Weldon
Halifax N.C. Feby 21^st 1867

Col M Cogswell
Supt Centl Dist.
Raleigh N.C.

In compliance with Par III circular No 5 Hd Qrs Asst Comr Feby 16^th 1867 it will be necessary for me to visit Jackson the County Seat of Northampton County. on monday the 3^d of March. to attend the County Court.

As there is no public conveyance by which I can reach Jackson I will have to go privately. The expense of going and returning will not be less than ten dollars ($10.^00)

Will you please furnish me with an order under which I can collect the necessary expense incurred unless the Paragraph in question will be considered sufficient authority for making the journey

I am Colonel Very Respectfully
Jno M Foote, 2^d Lt VRC & Asst Supt