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to Mr Burgwynn in which I directed the freedmen to report here. This note he was unable to deliver as the river was so high that he could not cross

The continued rains and high water prevented me from obeying your instructions until the 26th inst I was accompanied by Mr Bobett a neighbour of Mr Little, who was after an apprentice, aged about sixteen (16) years: also employed by Mr Burgwynn

As stated in my report, I found them, the freedmen, determined not to return and as my instructions did not authorize me to use force, I could not make them go back

They stated that only one copy of the contract was signed which was in possession of Mr Little Mrs Skinners hands made the same complaint

I was very particular to make them understand the result of their conduct but it made no impression, they were determined not to return 

Mr Burgwynn was anxious to have them go back and was about to discharge them but I advised him to keep them until he heard from Mr Little again, for the reason that they would go to some other section where it would be almost impossible to find