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you are a God damned radical son of a bitch and I will put you a shore, I then again said I will go a shore, and then asked how far it was to Fayetteville, he then said it is ten miles and you shall go on shore God damn you - he then directed the man at the wheel to run the Steamer up to the shore, and then directed the gang plank to be put out, and then said to me you God damned yankee son of a bitch, now you get off this boat and go on shore, God damn you. This at a place called Willis Creek, ten miles below Fayetteville, and on the east side of the river - I walked about one mile to a Mr Blackers, and hired him to bring me to this town, where I arrived at about 5 oclock P.M.
  In this affair from the time I went on board the Steamer at Elizabeth until I was put off at Willis Creek, I did not say or use one ungentlemanly word to the
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