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Bureau of Ref. Freedmen & A L
H^d Qrs Sub Dist of Warren
Franklinton N. C. Ap 12 1867

I have the honor to apply for an Order to visit [[underlined]] Warrenton N. C. [[/underlined]] on Monday the 15" inst, to attend a Term of the Superior Court, then and there to be held.

Very Respectfully 
Your Ob'd't Serv't.
[[signature]] Tho H. Hay [[/signature]]
1^st Lt 42^d Infty. Asst Supt

Col. M. Cogswell U S A.
Supt. Cent. Dist.
Raleigh N. C.

Transcription Notes:
Date appears to be 1867 so have corrected. -@siobhanleachman