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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen. & A.L.
Headquarters Sub Asst Comsr Comr SI. no 11.
Franklin N.C. Nov 20"1867

Lt.Col. J. F. Chur :
Raleigh N.C.
I have the honor to state that the freedmen of Macon County, having organized a building association, and appointed a committee to Solicit Subscriptions in aid of a school, and to make arrangements for erecting a suitable building for school and church purposes, have requested of the Bureau, thro me, such pecuniary aid as the Assistent Commissioner may be enabled to grant.  They hence raised among themselves one hundred and fifty dollars.  The expense of the building will be Six hundred dollars including the land.  There are within two miles of Franklin sixty freed

Transcription Notes:
Jacob F. Chur appears in the book: Bluecoats and Tar Heels: Soldiers and Civilians in Reconstruction North Carolina