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Bu R F & A Lands
Hd Qrs SubDiv of Warren
Henderson N.C. Dec^r. 2. 67.
[[footnote]]L B. vol. 1. 
- 154 -[[/footnote]]

Lieut Col Jacob F. Chur.
A. A. A Gen
Raleigh N.C.
I have the honor to submit the following report in the matter of the purchase of certain lands by Isaac Young (F) from Dr John R. Moss referred to me by order from the Ass^t. Com^r. of date Nov^r. 13.67.
Dr. Moss states that he sold the property (100 acres with house, kitchen &c) to Isaac Young (F) for $650.^[00]", that he has received on a/c of the sale $230.^[00]/. for which he gave a receipt and that he has never given a deed of the property.  He is unwilling to take back the land, refunding the money paid, and he declines giving a deed for 50 acres (excluding the improvements) which proposition I made to him. 

I obtained the following facts from respectable persons living in his neighborhood - that Moss if pressed would be unable to pay his debts - that the land when sold to Isaac Young was not worth over $450^[00]/, that the house &c are out of repair & not worth $100^[00]. cash. - that Isaac Young owes for provisions & other necessities over $150.^[00]/, that all the land is [[strikethrough]]of[[/strikethrough]] very poor