Viewing page 18 of 257

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14.188.N.C. 1867
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C. 40. Henderson 1867
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Oxford N.C.
Dec. 2/67
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Cantwell Edw- 
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Applies for an order to arrest certain parties implicated in taking, concealing Tobacco levied upon by the Sheriff of Granville Co. to satisfy the claims of Mat Puryear & others.

H. 188 N.C. 1867.

Rec^d. Henderson N.C.Dec^r4/67

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Bu R. F. & A Lands
Hd Qrs SubDis of Warren
Handerson N. C.  Dec'4/67
 E.B. 32 -
Respectfully forwarded to Lieut. Col [[underline]]Jacob F. Chur[[/underline]] A.A A G. for instructions.
The a/c of the Peffs covers all for labor and it does seem just that they should be paid out of any monies now in the hands of the Sheriff or that may come into his hands hereafter on a/c of the sale of any property of Taylor & Hughes or Either of them.
    While I do not recommend the arrest of the parties within named I would respectfully recommend that power be given to compel their attendance before me as witnesses, the case being similar in some respects to proceedings in attachments and garnishee process.
[[signature]]Tho  H. Hay[[/signature]]
1 Lt 42' Infty
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Same as page 17, so I'm marking this one as complete. -- Beth