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Bureau of Refugees, Freedman. & AL
Headquarters Sub. Asst. Coms^r. S.D. No 11.
Franklin N.C. Nov 30" 1867.
Bvt Lt Col J. F. Chur
   Raleigh N.C.
  I have the honor herewith to report myself on duty in this Bureau by authority of Special Orders N. 623. War Dept A.S.O. Washington November 30" 1867. and that I am assigned to duty at this place by Special Orders Nv. 180. Headquarters Asst. Coms^r. State of North Carolina. Raleigh, N.C. October 26" 1867. But my post office address is Franklin N.C. and That I have been "present" during the month.
Very Respectfully
Your obt. Servant
[[signature]]Geo S. Hawley[[/signature]]
1^[st] Lieut V.R.C. Sub Asst Comsr -