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Greenville, Pitt Co. NC.
9th Decr 1867

Brevet Major Genl Miles
Commissioner of Freedmen in N.C.
Raleigh N.C

I have the honor to request that you will nominate me as civil agent of the Freedmens Bureau in this State to fill one of the vacancies about to be created in consequence of the pending muster out of the Volunteer Officers. A perusal of the accompanying papers, while showing that I am an old Officer, will I trust prove that I have always done my duty efficiently in all positions. I am thoroughly conversant with the duties of the office I now seek having been in the Bureau until the muster out of my Regiment. Major J.J. Van Horn 8th U.S. Infty commanding the Post of New Bern told me that he would strongly indorse my application if I sent it thro' him and in any case authorised me to refer to him but having been longer delayed from home than I expected, I prefer to correspond directly with