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Bureau R. F. & A. L.
B 204 vol 1
Hd Qr Sub Div of Warren
Henderson N. C. Jan^y 10.1868.
Lieut Col Jacob F Chur.
A. A. A. G. oc
Raleigh N.C.
I have the honor to submit the following Report in the case of Moses Davis & others (F) vs Jas T. Twitty. 

In obedience to instructions from Asst Com. dated Raleigh N.C. Dec'. 24/67 the case was reopened on the 4" inst. all the parties being present with their witnesses. The principal complaint made by Deft was in regard to the amt of Guano allowed & payment of Extra labor. On the former trial 1/2 Ton was allowed as the share of the Freedmen Deft claims & endeavored to prove that he was to be the judge of the amt to be used & that the Freedmen had agreed to pay for 1/2 of it. In this however he failed & on the contrary it was proven by his own witnesses that 1/2 Ton was all the Freedmen had agreed to pay for.

The first decision requiring the hands to pay for 1/2 Ton of Guano was allowed to stand.

Regarding the claim for Extra labor; it was satisfactorily