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^[[ [J 27 ENCL] ]]

Lexington N. C.
June the 20^th 1867

We the Freedmen of the vacinity of Lexington learn with regret that the agents of the Beaureaus  are released and especialy our Friend [[insert]] Col [[/insert]] M. F. Henderson who has stood up for and unflinchingly against combined influence for our rights, on all occations and hope that he may bee reappointed as he has been a good and officient officer

[[2 column list of names with vertical line separating the 2 columns]]
Name  |  Name
Warren Payn | Robbert Ownes 
James Hardgrove | Kelly Hardgrove
Wilson Grey | Obry [[strikethrough]] Bry [[/strikethrough]] Bell
Richard Ares | Anderson Lenard
James Southerland | Handy Owten
Georgs Hardgrove | Sandy Hogen
Daniel Pellyway | Simon Brown
George Crump | Samuel Hanes
Pleas Smith | Elic Lowe
Emesly Leach | Thomas Hardgrove
Elec Lenard | Thomas Brown
Simeon Hardgrove | Armsted Hardgrove
John Hardgrove | William Payn
Hourd Lopp | Peter Hedrick
William Gilchrist | Simon Bohanam
Charles Adams | Henry Penery
William Hardgrove | Henry Hardgrove
George Stours | Ned Penery
Isaac Arms | John L Wiseman
James Lowue [[??]] | John Davice
William Curry | Amos Smith
[[/2 column list of names with vertical line separating the 2 columns]]

Transcription Notes:
Please double check names - accuracy SUPER important for those searching for ancestors.