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Office A. A. Qr. Mr.
Wilmington N. C.
March 13" 1867.

Bv^t Lt. Col. J. F. Chur.
A. A. A. General.
Raleigh. N. C.

Your letter of instructions of 10^th inst. relative to the disposition of 700 bushels of corn in Store by O. G. Paisley & Co. of this city, is received.

On the 2^d inst I forwarded a telegram, informing you that I had no teams with which I could haul the corn.

The cause of this want of transportation is accounted for by the following reasons, viz—
Under an existing contract, the bodies at Fort Fisher, Smithville, and at all the points on the Cape Fear River— from Fayetteville; to its mouth, are to be exhumed and reinterred at Wilmington; and this work to cease by May 1^st. 

I am therefore under the necessity of keeping one Six mule team at Fort Fisher, and another at 

Transcription Notes:
Based on other documents, it appears to be 700 bushels. Given the very different "3" in the date March 13", 300 does not appear to be correct.