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[[faint embossed stamp with image of building]]

Bureau & Refugees Freedmen & Ab^d Lands
Office Asst. Sup't Sub District of Goldsboro
Goldsboro N. C. March 9' 1867.

Col. M. Cogswell,
Sup^t Central District N. C.
Raleigh N. C.

I have the honor to request permission to purchase the following articles for my Office, viz: One table for Office desk; Two Office chairs; one pair of Fire Irons; one pair of Tongs and one Shovel.

Very Respectfully
Your ob^dt servant
[[signature]] Hannibal D. Norton [[/signature]].
Capt V. R. C. & Bvt. Maj U. S Vol
Asst Sup^t B. of R. F & A Lds