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War Department.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen. and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, [[Jany 4^th]] 186^[[6]]

Colonel J. V. Bomford
8^th U. S. Infy
Actg. Asst. Comm^r. Bu. RF & AL.
Raleigh, N. C.

Colonel,— Under instructions of Maj. Genl O O Howard, Comr ^[[insert]] & [[/insert]] referring to your communication of 1^st instant, relative to the delay incident to carrying out the requirements of the second section of the regulations of this Bureau regarding the transportation of freedmen from one state to another, You are respectfully informed that these regulations were framed with the view not only of providing all reasonable facilities for obtaining authorized transportation, but also of protecting the Government and the Railroad companies from fraud on the part of those who are engaged [[?]] as brokers

Transcription Notes:
last word "bro=" first syllable of word "brokers"; I don't think word before is "unpaid," but I can't figure it out. "engaged"? -- Beth