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[[underline]] [[But.?]] Major H H Foster. [[/underline]] Asst Sup't Counties of Sampson and Duplin

[[underline]] Lieut L Eckelberry. [[/underline]] Asst Sup't Columbus County

[[underline]] Justin Hodge Esq. [[/underline]] 
Citizen Agent in charge Cumberland County and temporarily in charge of the County of Bladen, since the muster out of Lieut Northup -
Resignation forwarded Dec.r 12th

[[underline]] Lieut Geo W Tipton [[/underline]] Ass't Sup't Richmond and Robeson Counties
Request for Muster out forwarded Dec.r 8th

In view of the above facts I would most respect-
fully request that [[underlined]] Three [[/underline]] officers or agents be assigned to duty in this District as follows.
one as Ass't Sup't for Cumberland County
one " " " [[dittos for: as Ass't Sup't for]] Bladen " [[ditto for: County]]
one " " " [[dittos for: as Ass't Sup't for]] for Richmond & Robeson " [[ditto for: County]]

or that I be authorised to appoint some suitable persons to act as agents of this Bureau for the above Counties. The above arrangement requires one [[strikethrough]] less [[/strikethrough]] officer less [[strikethrough]] than [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed and edited. Well done transcribing such difficult handwriting. -@siobhanleachman