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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Southern District of North Carolina
Wilmington N. C. ^[[December 24th]], 186^[[6]]

Colonel J G Chur.
A A A General


I have the honor to request that Transportation from this City to Washington D.C be furnished to Mary Shotter and Rachel Ware and two children aged 14 and 7 years Sick and dependent Freedwomen. They came from Troup County, Georgia and arrived here this morning without money and knowing no-one here. They state that if they are assisted to reach their old homes they will be able to support themselves with the aid of their friends. Mary Shotter refers to her former mistress Mrs. Jenkins who resides at Montpelier about 19 miles from Washington.

The friends of Rachel Warr reside in Georgetown, but she is unable to state where.

I believe these persons to be worthy.

I Am Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Allan Rutherford
Lieutenant Colonel [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] NC