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[[double line]]

 L. R. Vol. ^[[2]] No. ^[[496]] A. C. D. C., 186^[[7]]. 

[[double line]]

^[[Wilmington, N. C.]]
^[[December 24" 1866]]

[[dotted line]]

[[underline]] ^[[Rutherford. Allan]] [[/underline]]
^[[Lieut. Col. and Supt.]]

[[double line]]

(Wrapper ^[[1]] enclosure [[strikethrough]]] s [[/strikethrough]])
^[[Requests, transportation from Wilmington N. C. to Washington D. C. for [[underline]] Mary Shotter [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Rachel Ware [[/underline]] and 2 children aged 14 and 7 yrs. (dependent freedpeople).]]

^[[MB 1 Vol 97, O. L. S. N^o 241.]]

[[double line]] 

[[double line]]

Received A. C. D. C. ^[[1/2]] 186^[[7]]. [[/preprinted]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


[[double line]]

^[[EB 1 Vol 123. O. L. S. 1867]]

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, & Abandoned Lands
Head-Quarters Asst. Commr., D. C., 
WASHINGTON, ^[[Jany 2^d]] 186^[[7]].
Respectfully [[/preprinted]] referred to Lt. Col. W. M. Beck, Jr. Local Supt, D. C. for information as to whether the friends of the within named women, (if they can be found in this Dist.) are able to support them, if brought here.

By order of
Bvt. Brig. Gen. Thomas,
[[signature]] W^m W. Rogers [[/signature]]
A. A. A. G.

^[[E. B. Vol. 2. No. 905. A. C. D. C. 1866.]]

[[double line]]

Office Local Sup't D. C. 
Washington Jan 19^th 1867

^[[EB 1 Vol 1 24. O. L. S. 1867]]

Resp'y returned - I have been unable to find the friends of the within named women— 

[[signature]] W. M. [[Beck?]]  Jr. [[/signature]]
Lt. Col. 128^th U S C T
Local Supt &c

R [[9" or J"?]] O L. S  D. C. 1/2" 1867.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


[[double line]]
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, & Abandoned Lands,
Washington ^[[January 21^st]] 186[[overwritten]] 6 [[/overwritten]] ^[[7]].

Respectfully [[/preprinted]] forwarded.
Unless more definite information can be given of the residence and circumstances of the friends of the within named women, said to be in this District, the transfer of the within named parties cannot be approved at this office [[strikethrough of remaining pre-printed lines]]

[[signature]] C. H. Howard [[/signature]]
[[preprinted]] Bvt. Brig. General,
Assistant Commissioner. 

[[image - circular stamp, reading as follows: [[outer circle]] BUREAU [[note: extremely faint on left side and word(s) directly after faded away or not inked enough]] R. F. & A. L. / C. Q. M. [[/outer circle]] [[inner circle, inverted text]] JAN / 21 / 1867 [[/inner circle, inverted text]] ]] 

^[[E. B. Vol 3. N^o 75 A. C. D. C. 1867]]

[[double line]]

Transcription Notes:
Notes for next reviewer: - surname Shotter (Page 23)