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Bureau R. F. and A. L.
H^d Qr's for Dist N. C.
Wilmington N. C.
February 28^th 1864

Colonel J. F. Chur
AAA General

In compliance with Circular No. 5 from H^d Qr's Ass't Commissioner.  I have the honor to report: That the following Courts were held in this District during the month of February.

[[County Court]]   |  [[Name of County]]  |    [[at Town]]  |  [[Month]]  |  [[Date]]
County Court  |  Bladen County  |  at Elizabethtown  | Feby  | 4^th
" "  |  Columbus "  |  " Whiteville  | "  |  11^th
" "  |  Sampson "  |  " Clinton   |  "   |  18^th
" "  |  Robeson "  |  " Lumberton  |  "  |  25^th

Justin Hodge. at that time Agent at Fayetteville
was unable to attend the Court in Bladen County on account of sickness

Transcription Notes:
("Lumbreton" a misspelling of "Lumberton")