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Lieu't L. Echelberry attended the session of the County Court of Columbus County, and he reports that Rev Mr Lennon is Chairman and John Maltsly Esq Solicitor of said Court. No applications were made to bind Colored Children and no Indentures were cancelled. Since this Bureau has had an Agent in this County, neither the County or Superior Court has bound any Colored Children, all that business having been referred by them to the Officer of this Bureau.

There is no Officer or Agent in charge of the County of Robeson, and the last term of the Court there was not attended.

The County Court of Sampson County was attended by Bvt Major H N Foster, who reports that Richard C Holmes Esq is chairman and Lucian Holmes Esq Solicitor of said Court. No applications were made to bind Colored Children and no Indentures cancelled. 36 Cases of Bastardy against Freedmen, and one Freedman whipped for