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years. The rule adopted in North Carolina is, that children who have arrived at the age of fourteen and over shall not be bound without their consent, for the reason that having arrived at that age they can help support their parents, or if orphans, can labor for their own support. The reason for cancelling the indentures in the Russell case were, that the children were kidnapped, thrown into jail and bound to him against the will of the parents, who are able and willing to support them. 

The worst feature of slavery, was the forcible separation of families and by Gods help I will prevent its re=establishment within the limits of my command. 

I cannot see that any good can result from the appointment of a board to examine this case as suggested; and as the Commissioner states "Regulations governing these subjects, that will in a measure prevent any further misunderstanding, will be furnished you as early a date as possible." I think that the whole matter had better rest until such regulations are received. 

Very Respectfully
Your Obd't Servant
Jno. C. Robinson
Bv't Major General Commanding