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to Brazil. He states that two or three men from Sumpter County in this State, are engaged in this business and that large numbers of negroes have already been transported both by land and sea, from Georgia, North & South Carolina under the auspices of this organization, and that intimations have been made to him that he would be permitted to engage in the enterprise if he desired to do so.
He does not wish to be known as an informer as it would not be safe for him, but would put a detective on the track.

I am General
Most Respectfully
Your obdt servant
(Signed) C. W. Pierce
Bvt Maj & Supt B. R. & F
Dist of Demopolis 

Official Copy
J.F. Conyngham
1st Lieut 24th U.S. Infty and A.A.A.G