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Genl Daniel E. Sickles
Dear Sir = During the year 1865, in the fall, Mr Thompson Walker of Rockingham County N C ; made a contract with me to finish a well which he had Commenced, I  under took the job and succeeded in  getting such a flow of water that I was compelled to quit diggin and Commenced walling. After walling 7 or 8  feet he wanted me to take the wall out and dig deeper, which I nor no other man could have done with out great danger of life. His pretext is I never got 10 feet water, and wilnot pay me for my labour, My health is so impared that I am not able to work, and my family has been nearly on the point of starvation for some time. Though I can sorter make out to live by hiring and my little son for hire My acct with Walker is $7.50.

Will you be so kind as to drop Mr Walker a notice to pay me

And you will confer a favor 
on a very greatful friend &C
Moses Curtis (Freeman)