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Bureau R. F and A. L
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr NC
Raleigh. June 15' 1867,

S47." 67

Respectfully referred to Lt Thos. H. Hay, Asst. Supdt for investigation and action.
By order of  Col. N. A. Miles 
Bvt. Maj Gen. Asst. Com
Jacob F. Chur
Bvt. Lieut. Col
A A A G.

Bureau of R F & A L
H'd Qrs Sub Div of Warren
Henderson N. C. July 8/67

Respy returned with the information that the within named Stephen Southerland was tried & convicted of larceny at the last June Term of Franklin Co Court and
the fine & costs imposed amounted to about $60. His
horse & wagon were liened upon by the Sheriff & sold according to law, and brought less than the amt of the judgment.  Stephen is not in Franklin Co but is believed to be in Wake  I am unable to see what further action can be taken by me — as Capt Evans kept no records. I cannot


say whether he gave such a judgment as is within stated or not
Tho H. Hay
1 Lt 42' Infty 
A S A Com'r

EBp 57.
