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Henderson Granville County, NC June 10th 1867
Gen Miles. I write to inquire of failyour [[failure]] in regard to a case of mine, and hope you will be able to answer me immediately. On the 18th of January 1866, I had a Bale of cotton 350 lbs stolen from my barn,  and traced it to where it was sold, and who got it from me, he was a Freedman named Stephen Southerland. The case was tried before Capt Evans, then acting for Warren County &c. He Capt Evans gave a judgment to said Stephen for one-hundred dollars, and thirty days imprisonment. Stephen broke jail before the term expired, the fine has not been collected, nor Stephen seen about our vicinity till last week when he was arrested again, with an ax belonging, to one of my neighbors, a Mr Jounigon, and some other things. Stephen is now in prison in Louisburg, Franklin County, awaiting further trial on our case &c. Said Stephen professes to live in Raleigh and is fidling about with a one horse waggon. The Civil authority wont act on my case as it has been decided by federal authority, Capt Evans is gone, and now it remains for you to say what must be done. I am a man of limited means, and never owned a Slave. Please avise me, and direct to Henderson Granville County NC. I am sir your humble servent. 
John F. Stainback

Transcription Notes:
There are a few mistakes in this. [[Fail you]] should be accurately transcribed. "got it from me" not "got from me". Re-read and fix errors before submitting again