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both are remote from Railroads-
I respectfully suggest that if Mr Coleman was given the authority he could perform the duties of the officer at Concord with as great satisfaction as any Commissionered officer for an insignificant monthly compensation - as he has by his upright character & vigorous action already secured the full confidence of all right minded men -               His knowledge of law & admission to the courts eminently qualify him for an advocate of Freedmen before the courts - where officers find great difficulties except in Justices courts -
He cannot take the last oath - or oath of officer - and this is the sole impediment I know -
All which is respectfully submitted for direct actions as you may deem proper or desirable.
A.W. Shaffer
Bt Lt Colonel and Asst Supt

Thro Col Jno R Edie           
Supt West Dist.
Salisbury N.C.