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State of North Carolina,
Executive Department,
Raleigh, November 1st 1866.

Bt. Maj. Genl. J.C. Robinson
Asst. Comm. R.F. and A.L.'s
Raleigh, N.C.

Yours of the 30th ultimo in reply to mine of the 29th in relation to the apprenticeship of colored children, and particularly in relation to the binding of certain negro children to Danl. L. Russell by the County Courts of New Hanover and Robison, has been received.

If the facts, as to the binding of these persons to Mr. Russell, have been truly detailed to you, I have nothing to say in vindication of his conduct; but the laws of the State furnish ample redress.
You say, in the case referred to, "Mr. Russell seizes with violent hands, children (one of them sixteen years old) living with their parents who support them -- carries them off -- the Court binds them -- they are thrown into prison for safe keeping, and then carried off to his home -- he is asked to restore them -- he refuses, and threatens the vengeance of the Court -- the Court of which he is a member, and which Court binds to him these Kidnapped children. Is not this a case where discrimination is made, and that too greatly prejudicial to the colored people and their children?"

Transcription Notes:
Changed "Bh" to Bvt." to Bt All looks good to me, but I don't know what that [[?]] word is, either.