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State of North Carolina
Currituck County
This Indenture made and done the 31st day of August one thousand eight hundred & fifty-eight by and between Josiah H. Tillett of the first part and John Wescot of the other all of the County and State aforesaid witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of Four hundred dollars paid in hand before the consigning and delivering of these presents this receipt hereof I do acknowledge myself fully satisfied contented and paid and have by these presents bargained sold conveyed and confirmed unto the aforesaid John Wescot and his heirs and assigns forever a certain piece or parcel of Land lying and situated on Roanoke Island it being the tract of Land of Thos. R. Tillett My father which heired by him. Butted and founded as follows beginning on the East side of Roanoke Island on the shore side in Edward Breakhouse line running westward by course by a line of marked trees binding Breakhouse line to Daniel Meekins thence running southward course binding Meekins line to the line that Daniel Meekins purchased by Littleton Wynn thence an Eastwardly course binding said line to the shore side on the east side Roanoke Island from thence a northwardly course with the shore side to the first station containing one hundred & sixty eight acres be the same more or less with all the right and title of the above mentioned land free and claim from me and my heirs executors administrators and assigns on any other person or persons unto the aforesaid