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Marcus Hazlewood  witness for the defendant being sworn States that he is living with Save Conyers & that Watkins Holden came to the new ground where where he & Save Conyers was at work a bout 2'Oclock in the evening staid there a bout 2 hours & he & Save then off to look at a horse and I and save left the new ground about dark. Save went to look for his Horse I saw & heard no more of him (he left) until the next morning at Breakfast,

Sworn & subscribed to before one E. A. 
me E, A, Grifton Shff     Marcus^[[his mark]] X Hazelwood

Calidonia Green witness for Defendant being sworn says Save Conyers staid at his house all night the night the store was broken Open and that he lives a bout 3 or 4 miles from Defs Conyers 

Sworn & subscribed to before
me E A Grifton Shff         Caledonia X ^[[his mark]] Green

You & each of you acknowledge your selves indebted to the State of N Carolina in the sum of One hundred Dollars Each to be Void Nevertheless if you & Each of  you make your Personal appearance at the next Term of the Superior Court to be held for the county of Franklin at the court house in the Town of Louisburg On the 2 Monday after the 4th Monday of September 
Next then & there remain in full force & affect 
July 17th 1867
Signed sealed & delivered in the
presence of
E A Grifton Shff 

Save X ^[[his mark]] Conyers

Thomas H Conyers 

Transcription Notes:
"Marcus his x mark Hazelwood": There is a prominent x with "his" above it and "mark below that appears in between the first and last names.