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[[underlined]]Lordsburg[[/underlined]], N.M.
[[underlined]] Phrynosoma cornuta[[/underlined]] -- One caught
[[underlined]] " [[ditto for Phrynosoma ]] modesta [[/underline]] ^[? - [[underline]]ornatissumum[[/underlined]]?

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[[underlined]]June 2[[/underlined]] - Got a horse & drove south about 9 miles to the Pyramid Mts. at base of Pyramid Peak, to see if there was any evidence of Upper Sonoran zone species & to look for Ammospermophilus & white sided jack rabbits.

Found no traces of either mammal, tho Lepus texianus was abundant & I shot 3 & had time to skin only 2 of them. A good lot of bird & plant notes were secured, but a few scrubby junipers near the tops of the peaks on north slopes were the only real upper sonoran plants found.

The upper slopes were very barren however and had better be colored for Upper Sonoran. The warm slopes of the mts. show even stronger Lower Sonoran elements than the valleys do. Fouquiera is abundant & thrifty, the big Echinocactus wislizeni is common & a tall, long leafed Agave is scattered over many of the ridges.

Several flocks of scaled quail were seen with young of various sizes from just out to big enough to fly a little.