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In P.M. I took the train for Clifton, Arizona and continued N.W. through the same big, open Lower Sonoran Valley on a level with Lordsburg to Summit, then down 625 feet lower to the Gila River at Duncan, then down the river to Guthrie (200 feet lower), then over the ^[[350 foot]] ridges to Clifton on the San Francisco River at only 75 feet over Guthrie.

The whole trip was in Lower Sonoran zone, but along the sides I could in places get approximately the upper limits of the zone.  The change in crossing the Gila valley was less in change of species than in the more advanced condition of vegetation.  Barley was ripe & the first crop of Alfalfa had partly been cut & stacked, garden vegetables were being harvested & corn stood over a foot high.

There are good farms & homes along the valley & Duncan is an attractive little town with green fields & big cottonwoods.