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The Peloncillo Range a few junipers come down on cold slopes while creosote goes through on hot
slopes. Then down about 800 feet into the big Sam Simon valley which is again pure Lower Sonoran across to the steep base of the Chiricahua Mts. Much of the valley is barren
or grassy but in places there is lots of Mesquite, creosote, yucca sadiaza [[?]]
Krebishinia[[?]], Ephedra, Tessaria ghotinra?,

At the southern end of the valley we rise up a long gradual slope that soon loses all trace of Lower Sonoran species & is mainly grassy up to Chiricahua Station, and over the ridge & down to Bernardino Station where abundance of Mesquite & lower Sonoran plants come in again.  The San Bernadino Valley to the south is a purely Lower Sonoran basin that we strike only a corner of.
We next wind through a low pass that carries a full set of Lower Sonoran plants