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Mts. to the S.W. (the San Joses.) have a growth of yellow pine along the crest & down 1000 feet on the highest cold slope.

Then we came to the San Pedro river valley with its line of ranches, meadows, & cottonwoods & the Huachuca Mts. black with timber along the east side. I can not make out the line between the junipers of the lower slopes & the yellow pines that show along the crest of the range, but the Lower Sonoran plants of the valley seem to stop short of the wide fans that reach out from the canyon.

As we follow north, down the San Pedro Valley the river bottoms became more heavily covered with mesquite and other shrubs and before reaching Fairbanks the first Baccharis [[bovalis??]] appears & is then abundant & conspicuous all along the river flats to Benson, where with [[Quarda suffentescius??]] Atriplex canescens & mesquite it forms a dense cover to much of the valley.

Reached Benson at 6:20 & hunted down by river till dark.