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[[underlined]]Prosopis pubescens[[/underlined]] is abundant along the Colorado River at Yuma and reappears in abundance at Mecca & was seen at Cocehulla and Indio.

[[underlined]]Prosopis glandulosa[[/underlined]]--was not seen west of the Colorado until a few scattered and much dwarfed trees appeared west of Bertrain & a few more west of Durand. At Indio it is abundant and large and it reaches along the valley to Coushilla (Couchilla- valley of [little?] shells). Here the pods are full grown and being eaten by [[underlined]] [[Citellis tereticaudus?]] [[/underlined]].

[[underlined]]Parkinsonia microcarpa[[/underlined]] - Paloverda began on the mesa just west of Yuma & was common in washes until we reached the edge of the Salton Sea, then as we followed the shore, it was not seen again until near Mecca, where it is common. 

[blank area that is underlined] 'Iron tree'. This lilac colored flowered tree was common on the mesa west of the Colorado R. & thence all along to west of Salton where the last were seen.

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