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[[strikethrough]] Sacramento [[/strikethrough]][[underline]]Los Angeles[[/underline]].

[[underline]]June 13 & 14[[/underline]] - Had much writing to catch up and zone maps to correct. Got mail & wrote letters & laid in supplies for next trip.

[[underline]]June 15[[/underline]]. Went out to Pasadena to see Grinnell but found he had gone to the mts. for the summer. 

Took train to Oceanside in P.M. & then out to San Marcos where we arrived after dark.

[[underline]]June 16 & 17[[/underline]]. Remained at Twin Oaks over Sunday & Monday, so as to get a supply of cash from the Bank at Escondido. [[strikethrough]]&[[/strikethrough]]

Got what notes I could but my baggage did not come, so I could do no collecting.  Found the valley in flourishing condition with good crops and a heavy growth of vegetation covering the whole country. Grain ripe & heavy and more wild oat hay than