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[[blank page]][[start page]][[underlined]]To Santa Ysobel[[/underlined]]At Witch Creek the chapparel is not so dense or continuous & the big, half rocky hills are covered with wild oats & scattered live oaks. Not far to the east and southeast are pine covered ridges. [[underlined]]June 23.[[/underlined]]A cool night, said to be frost which I doubt, but I slept cold with all the blankets over me I could get. Continued east over a ridge at 3100 feet & down to Santa Ysabel in a big open valley at 3000. The only farming in this valley seems to be grain & hay. Wild oats cover all the hills & uncultivated land. The valley is evidently straight Upper Sonoran, the Phoradendum flavescens grows abundantly on the sycamores, willows & live oaks along the creeks. Along the top of the Volcan Mts. just east of the valley, pines of which I could make out the long arms of [[sugar crossed out]]coulter pines, grow all along the crest and of course on the east side. In going over the saddle north of this valley Quercus californicus was first seen & is there common. [[Otorecris?]], Sturnella & Coturniculus are common in the valley.