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In  the low, open part of Santiago Canyon there are abundance of sycamores, willows, Baccharis viminea, and live oaks (agrifolia). At 1000 feet on the Canyon slopes, or at least the cold slopes, the real chapperral begins in Rhus laurina & ovata & trilobata, Rhamnus crocea & californica & tomentilla, Cercocarpus parvifolius, Quercus dumosa, Adenostoma fasciculata etc.

From here the mts are densely covered with chaparrel to the tops, with only 2 small patches of douglas spruce (macrocarpa) on cold slopes near the summits as shown by field glass.

There is no farming in the canyon. The lower part is held as a park for Santa Ana & is full of campers. Above are some mines in Silverado Canyon & loads of ore were met. The canyon is open for a long distance & beautiful & clean with big sycamores & live oaks. A good stream comes down through it.

On the return trip we drove around through Orange to Santa Ana.