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[[underlined]] Nycticorax [[space]] [[/underlined]] , Black crowned Night herons came into the field after 4 P.M, until sundown, or as long as I staid. I counted 12 in one field, flying in or sitting like soldiers with drawn sword watching at Microtus burrows. I watched them creep up with bill poised ready to strike but did not actually see one spear a mouse.

[[underlined]] Lophartyx [[space]] [[/underlined]] - Quail were heard calling in the greasebrush back of the ranch buildings.

[[underlined]] Corvus sinuatus [[/underlined]] - Ravens are common, and almost constantly heard or seen over the fields. They are often seen on the ground watching at burrows or picking at mice which are torn to pieces before being swallowed.
They seem to catch the mice by watching at the burrows or by a quick, short run. Probably 25 or 30 ravens were seen during the day

[[underlined]] Corvus americanus [[/underlined]] - Crows are much more numerous than the ravens and seen even more active in pursuit & capture of mice. Fifty to a hundred crows are often seen in an 80 acre

Transcription Notes:
Microtus - voles