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[[underline]] P.S. Next morning.
Onions [[/underline]]: In the morning little had been eaten and of the 7 mice 2 were dead & 5 alive.

[[underline]] Beefsteak [[/underline]]: Edges eaten & all 5 mice dead.

[[underline]] Cabbage [[/underline]]: in the morning cabbage not touched by mice.

[[underline]] Dead Mice [[/underline]]: The 4 poisoned mice were not touched.

[[underline]] Apple [[/underline]]: Some eaten from nearly every piece: [[line pointing to entry A sliced apple on the next page]]

[[underline]] Potato [[/underline]]: Many pieces had been eaten and one dead mouse found beside a piece of poisoned potato.

[[underline]] Onion [[/underline]]: Not touched by the mice.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underline]] The onions [[/underline]] were not eaten at first but at 5 P.M. some had been eaten and 2 of the mice were nearly dead.

[[underline]] The beef steak [[/underline]] was not eaten until late, but at 5 P.M. the edges had been eaten all around tho the mice were all alive. Morning will show the rest.

A pan full of [[underline]] fresh cabbage [[/underline]] was sliced and covered with arsenic and put out in the field where microtus are thick.

[[underline]] Four microtus [[/underline]] were evicerated & opened to the chin & filled with arsenic & put down burrows in the field & marked with stakes.

[[arrow from adjacent page]] A [[underline]] sliced apple [[/underline]] was rolled in arsenic & put in holes along a ditch bank.

[[underline]] A sliced potato [[/underline]] was put out in the same way.

[[underline]] A sliced onion [[/underline]] was also put out in the same way.

In afternoon Mr. Webb drove down to the end of Humboldt lake with me to see if the mice were numerous down there and in the tule & wild land.  It is about six miles to the lake.  

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected markup & minor typos. -@siobhanleachman