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[[underlined]]Wallowa to Chico  [[/underlined]].

[[underlined]] Nov. 26 [[/underlined]]. Got off about 10 A.M. with Mr. Howard O'Brien, Forest supervisor, with good saddle horse & a pack mule.  Took bed & grub. Rode hard till long after dark & got into Chico, the ranger cabin about 8 oclock. Got some supper & slept on hay in haymow.  Snow 1 to 6 inches deep in timber.  Warm slopes bare at Chico.  Came about 35 miles.  Cold, tired & sore.

[[underlined]]Nov. 24 [[/underlined]], Started at sunrise, taking Walter Fay, the ranger, with us.  Ground frozen hard & white with frost & struck snow on top of ridge above cabin.  Traveled N.E. till noon & struck the wolf proof fence in about 15 miles and rode along part of two sides.  Then down to the rangers cabin & got lunch.

Snow is about a foot deep in the pasture and crusted so it will nearly hold me.