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[[underline]] Mammals

Odocoileus [[space]], [[/underline]] Fresh deer tracks were seen near the river flat above & below town.

[[underline]] Microtus drummondi? [[/underline]], A microtus was seen in the grass near the river but not caught. A great northern shrike was driven away from one it was eating & a mutilated specimen saved. The skull was broken & brains eaten out. [[strikethrough]] o [[/strikethrough]]

[[underline]] Thomomys talpoilds [[/underline]], Gopher hills are numerous and large, but none are fresh. The ground is frozen hard & ice is 5 inches thick.

[[underline]] Lepus campestris [[/underline]], patches of pure white fur were seen in several places where Jack rabbits had been eaten. Tracks & pellets are com.

[[underline]] Lepus mearnsi [[/underline]], Cottontail tracks & trails & pellets & cuttings are abundant in the bottoms.

[[underline]] Putorius longicandes [[/underline]], a dead ♀ [[female symbol]] was found on the flats, chewed up by a dog or coyote probably It had been dead some time. showed no white.

[[underline]] Mephitis [[space]] [[/underline]], tracks are common along trails or flats. Lots of old excrement is made up entirely of grasshoppers & [[fultles?]].

[[underline]] Taxidea [[space]] [[/underline]], Badger holes are common.

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[[underline]]Bismarck N. Dak.[[/underline]].

[[underline]]Dec. 4[[/underline]] Tramped over the river flats below town most of the forenoon, over big meadows with hundreds of haystacks and through thickets and river bottom woods. It is dry and still but so cold I can hardly keep warm with many clothes & buckskin gloves.

In P. M. Went up over hills and river bluffs above bridge where I found Yucca augustifolia and Opuntia missouriensis on hot slopes and more timber along the bottoms,
Found "red grass" (Andropogon?) abundant on sheltered south slopes and found one patch of Helianthus annuus on a warm basin slope. There seems to be a mere trace of Upper Sonoran zone on the most favorable slopes, but none over the open country.

Saw fresh deer tracks near the river above & below town.

Transcription Notes:
Thomomys talpoilds = talpoides? Reviewed. Added [[Female symbol]] as such symbols often do not get well transferred when the transcription file is ingested into different platforms. I too can't work out [[fultles?]]-@siobhanleachman