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Essex County Court office Sept 18th 1817 I do certify that upon an arbitration Bond from William Webb and James Webb to Apphia Rouzee and John Rouzee dated the 25th day of March 1809 and recorded in the County Court of Essex on the 19th day of May 1813 there is this endorsement "Sept 18th 1809- I do hereby acknowledge that Mrs Apphia Rouzee has this day fully satisfied this Bond on her part as to the matters following that is to say by paying to me the sum of One thousand dollars stipulated herein to be paid on or before the 25th day of July last to me for the slaves & their increase herein mentioned, for which the said Apphia Rouzee bound herself to pay me the same, and also that the said Apphia Rouzee has transfered & assigned to me the bonds for the hires of the negroes in Culpepper County in [[face?] of my claim for the said hires as mentioned in this Bond on acct of which I am bound not to take the said slaves in Culpepper County into my possession until the expiration of this present year - witness my hand the day & year above written William Webb" Testo Tho Brockenbrough - Given under my hand the date above -- Thomas Wright Jr D.C. for Wm B Matthews Clk [[flourish]]