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A List of Bonds Given to Mr. Evan Brown to collect or put in suit 
Xx Richard Hudson Bonds & Acct. Now due for £6;8:7, 6,16.4
" Isaac Herring & Wm. Green Bond due 21st of July 92 for 27, ~
     Bearing Interest till paid ---
' Isaac Herring & Wm. Green Bond Due 7th of Janry. 93 for - 13-19,3
Cn on this Bond for £10 paid 2nd Octo~ 93
' Isaac Herring & Wm. Green Bond due 1st Janry. 93 for - 16.14.2
' William Green & Isaac Herring due 21st July 92 for - 35 ---
' Cn for £6-0-8 the 3rd of Janry. 1793 ---
' Edward Voss & R B Voss Bond due 1st Janry. 93 for 40.9.9
' There is to be deducted from this Bond £2.18.6 and the deficiency of the corn.
' Isaac Herring Agreement for the Rent of the plantation £25 Now due
 - 13.8.10 [[/underlined]]
[[strikethrough]] £15 8"4[[/strikethrough]]
' John Wrights to Acc. for £13.18.10         13.8.10

A List of Bonds Given to Mr. Evan Brown to Collect which will be due the 1st Janry. 1795
X ' John Abbot & John Angell Bond for [[?]] £6.12 .  £8.0-0
' Richard Hudson & Wm. Green Bond for....7---
' Joseph Roberts & Armstead Green Bond for.... 15
X ' William Green & Armstead Green Bond for [[insert]] 2 Blanketts 20 [[/insert]] Mr. Brown 32.17
X James Camrol & Joseph Roberts Bond for [[?]]    1.10
Novbr. 15th 1794 Then Recd of Mrs. Apphia Rowzee the above Bonds and Acct. to be done with as derected
 Evan Brown 
Ralph Rowzee
X Memo. of the hire of a Negro which I Recd. £1.10 paid in which was was Omitted in the Above List