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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, Jan. 7, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Went over living room Cleaned woodbox intend to iron in morning Gwynn's cold is better so is his finger. Boys worked on taxi. Chucks' Watkins were down in Eve.

[[preprinted]] Thursday, Jan.8 [[/preprinted]]

Waxed floors. Could not go to aid meeting on account of illness. Cleaned ^[[myself]] up and bathed. Gwynn Went up home last Evening. Mama gave me some tenderloin and sausage

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[[preprinted]] Friday , Jan. 9, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Churned , baked, Ironed Cleaned. Dad was with H.A. to look at camps. Gwynn went home with them. Kinda lonesome and quiet around here last evening.

[[preprinted]] Saturday, Jan. 10 [[/preprinted]]

Cleaned up house cooked & washed dishes. washed seperator this P.M. Gwynn went home with Herman we are going up later.