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[[preprinted]] Sunday, Jan. 11, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Home all day Harners were here for dinner. Had meat loaf escalloped tenderloin, mashed potatoes sweet potatoes lima beans tapioica pudding cookies. Pear marmalade Had a good time Played pinochle. went to see "Lightnin" Will Rogers in end. Final Sunday show we attended. Gwynn was bad. I had to stay in lobby.

[[preprinted]] Monday, Jan. 12 [[/preprinted]]

Went to wash could not get it started Had to go to Belle for repairs. C.F. & H.A. came over for supper and fixed Maytag we washed Mon night.

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Dried clothes and made a house dress and went over the house. Boys are getting wood quite cold. did some mending in the eve.

[[preprinted]] Wednesday, Jan. 14[[/preprinted]]

went over L.R. & K. Baked some dried more clothes going to sew some. quite cold again today.