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[[preprinted]] Saturday, Feb. 28, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Beautiful day
Went over house Baked a cake got dinner Cleaned up and loafed. *
Going to Belle I guess this eve

[[preprinted]] Sunday, Mar.1 [[/preprinted]]

Folks came down & Harners came over for dinner . Had a nice time all went to see "Sit Tight Uncle Harrys came out home Very enjoyable day

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[[preprinted]] Monday, Mar. 2, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Went to wash Then went to Bellefontaine in P.M. Stopped in home Dad O.K. Mama went to Detroit. Dad Myers went back Home.

[[preprinted]] Tuesday, Mar. 3 [[/preprinted]]

Cleaned house up Dad came down for dinner Clarence was burning brush Gwynn and I helped him when Dad went home.