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[[preprinted]] Sunday, Mar. 8, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

 Herman and I played Russian Bank otherwise it was a quiet day
Snowed on us
coming home

[[preprinted]] Monday, Mar. 9 [[/preprinted]]

Snowed and blowed I almost made two dresses Herman came in morn. Boys finished the [[underlined]] Shibby [[/underlined]]

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, Mar. 10. 1931 [[/preprinted]]

went to wash The boys could not work in storm so Clarence went with me. H.A. & Juy came in afternoon had a nice time

[[preprinted]] Wednesday, Mar. 11 [[/preprinted]]

Did some sewing that is about all I guess. I have let me diary go a few days and I have forgotten what I have done