Viewing page 24 of 98

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, Mar. 24, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Harner was over for Beans. Fixed tongue for his [[dinn?]] Boys worked in garage.

[[preprinted]] Wednesday, Mar. 25 [[/preprinted]]

Ironed, mended churned, mopped kitchen. Going over to Harner's this eve.

I dont look for Watkins tonight Hope they come tomorrow eve

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[[preprinted]] Thursday, Mar. 26, 1931 [[/preprinted]]

Cleaned up house

baked some

mended some

gave Gwynn a bath and myself

[[preprinted]] Friday , Mar. 27 [[/preprinted]]

Went to E. Liberty in P.M. Took cream in. Got some groceries Rained like the duece

Sis ^[[Dad]] & Mama came down in Eve. Leland & viola & family came great time