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Thursday, April 21, 1932
112th Day   Spanish-American War began 1898 Battle of San Jacinto (Texas)   254 Days to come
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Chickens ducks geese ok. 1 dead chick in Brooder this morn. Quite pleased at the brooder stove. It works pretty good. Mr. Startzman and Mr. Hoyt called to get Gwynne's Insurance increased. I did. Mr. & Mrs. Bell called to get fence fixed Set a hen on my own eggs this morn. 1 duck got down in pen and got trampled. 1 died and killed one. 

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Friday, April 22, 1932
113th Day   253 Days to come
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12 chicks dead and 1 about and one more. Otherwise everything OK. Don't get much done went to Belle did not stay long This is for Sat.