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Tuesday, September 6, 1932
250th Day   Battle of the Marne 1914   116 Days to come
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Ironed went up town to complete plans to go to Port Clinton. Decided not to take our dinners. When we got back Uncle Harry's were there and they planned to go Wed. too. Folks came down with us and Mama dressed a chicken. 

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Wednesday, September 7, 1932
251st Day   115 Days to come
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Arose at 4:30 Did chores got breakfast and was ready to leave here at 5:50 arrived at Belle Center at 6:27 waited a little while on Chucks. I drove until we came to Fostoria and past at Kingsway we were layed up with a broken piston and burnt out bearing. Got peaches loaded about 5:30 Started homeward ate supper at 7:20 at Fremont Had a flat tire came on arrived in Belle Center 10:30 When we got home Sis was there. Gwynn stayed